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TEM Associates, Inc. | Connecticut and Long Island, NY

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Another tool in the arsenal for ensuring the best outcomes

Get a snapshot of what needs to be addressed

Today’s sales-driven business world is riddled with risk and uncertainty. Mergers. Acquisitions. Shrinking margins. Desperate competition. Every step in the maze brings difficult choices.

To advance and successfully grow your business, you need a salesforce that will shatter every obstacle in its path. And, one that will not be hindered by turnovers and hiring errors.

Failed sales development efforts cost companies billions of dollars annually –– even by conservative estimates. Perhaps more alarming is the fact that many CEOs continue to empty their wallets for poor or, at best, unclear results.

Sandler/TEM's approach to assessing salespeople and sales managers is a superior alternative to the psychological, personality, behavior and aptitude tests typically used to determine a person’s likelihood of success in sales and sales management.

While these kinds of assessment instruments can provide accurate insights into a person’s psychological make-up, personality traits, behavioral style and vocational disposition, they ALL fail to accurately diagnose and identify sales-specific factors that can support or limit the ability of an individual to generate sales for your business.

Accolades for our Assessment Tools

The only Sales-Specific Assessment Tools on the market.

Named the Top Sales and Marketing Assessment Tool since 2010 - by Top Sales World.


Our sales-based evaluation instruments reveal with documented accuracy which members of your salesforce:

  • WILL sell and WHY, as well as which ones, with proper support and development,
  • CAN GROW their production, and by HOW MUCH

When you have this kind of information about your salespeople and sales managers, you’re well positioned to take your company — and your sales — to the next level.